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Get Active, Get Involved - District Committees

Applicable contract language


C. It is expected that there will be fair representation of the directly affected personnel within the school district level committees investigating, recommending and/or modifying actions or procedures, policies, and the like, the Association has the right to exercise a membership role in the committee makeup, whether or not the Association has in the past. The School District has a duty to make known to the Association any established or to be established committee.

D. Individuals serving on district level committees shall be given in-service points for attendance and service on these committees. Serving on district level committees improves and enhances leadership skills. A voucher with the meeting date, time and agenda must be signed by the administrator facilitating the meeting.

Please let us know if you would be interested in being appointed to and serving on a district committee.

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Santa Rosa County Schools  - Distrcit Committees

Evaluation Committee

Meets to review and revise employee evaluations and data collections

Safety Committee

Meets monthly to review and revise safety issues and work sites.

School Related Employee of the Year

The SREY committee is responsible for determining Santa Rosa County School District’s SREY of the Year!


Additional Committees as needed and called



Insurance - meets monthly

Members of this committee participate in reviewing and revising our insurances. Members serve as conduits of employee needs and are an equal voice in decision making

School Calendar

The calendar committee meets to determine and fit all areas of employee/student needs into one schedule. Not an easy task and one that is essential for a smooth school year.


Sick Leave Bank

Determines eligibility and need for those applying to the bank.



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